Sunday August 25, 2024

9:00 AM - 9:35 AM

Room Title Description Facilitator
Rm 200 Equanimity Meditation New to meditation or wanting to improve your skills? This workshop will give you practical advice and a chance to participate in a guided meditation session on equanimity,the cultivation of a balanced state of mind. Ryan B.

Sunday August 25, 2024

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Room Title Description Facilitator
Rm 200 CRU 2025 Kick-Off Come learn about what it takes to get involved in next year's Chicago Roundup! And be the first to learn the CRU 2025 Theme! Will G.
Outdoor Terrace Drop the Rock This workshop dives deep into the intricacies of Steps 6 and 7 of the AA 12-step program, focusing on the fear associated with the concept of a Higher Power removing one’s defects. A central theme revolving around a metaphorical ROCK symbolizing character defects and the emotional baggage that hinder personal growth and sobriety. Lastly, a step 10 review of taking daily inventory will become a cornerstone for preventing the accumulation of more ROCKS. Jesse K.
Theater The Creative Artist in Recovery Many creative types find that drugs and alcohol not only robbed them of their lives but also robbed them of their creative spirit. This workshop seeks to rekindle that spirit of creativity with an exploration of the creative process in sobriety. Leo S.

Sunday August 25, 2024

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Title Description
Brunch Mingle and enjoy breakfast food.

Sunday August 25, 2024

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Room Title Description
Gym Speaker - Wakefield Wakefield is honored to return to Chicago and share with those who gave him the tools to make a “sincere attempt to become what he could be” and live in abundance today. Clean and sober since 1988 (left the hall of shame) he attributes every HIV and public health success, award, opportunity for community service to daily membership maintenance, sponsoring and being sponsored by those who give opportunity to practice 12 step principles in all my affairs.